Breast Reduction Surgery in Tucson
Breasts that are too large for your body can negatively affect day-to-day living. For some women with naturally larger breasts, these effects are debilitating; most experience chronic pain in the upper back, neck, and shoulders. Commonly, these women are deterred from their athletic goals; running and exercise can be more difficult, if not practically impossible, in women with large breasts. For the vast majority of these women, breast reduction surgery is the only practical, helpful option. Women near the Nogales and Green Valley areas go to Tucson, Arizona surgeon, Dr. Eades for breast reduction surgery.
Could I Benefit from Breast Reduction Surgery?

In Tucson, Dr. Eades offers reduction mammoplasty procedures to provide relief from the upper back, neck, and shoulder pain caused by large, poorly supported breasts. If you suffer from macromastia, the medical term describing large breasts, you may be eligible for the procedure. Breast reduction surgery reliably alleviates symptoms, gives you higher self-esteem, a new body perspective, and an easier time fitting into clothes. Exercise can become a pleasant and fun experience rather than a painful and embarrassing ordeal. If you suffer from physical discomfort caused by your large breast size or desire smaller, firmer breasts, you may benefit from surgery.
What Can I Expect from Breast Reduction Surgery?
During your consultation, Dr. Eades will thoroughly inform you about breast reduction surgery. He will explain the extent and location of the incisions and will show you before-and-after photos of his patients. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and postoperative discomfort is easily controlled with prescription pain medication.
Incision options include a circle pattern around the areola, around the areola with a line extending vertically towards the breast crease, or around the areola and in an anchor-shaped pattern. The next step includes removing the tissue and lifting and re-shaping the breast. The nipple is then repositioned to better align with the new shape of the breast. In some cases, the nipple can even be resized if it is too large for the current shape. Dr. Eades ensures that the breast size is not only reduced but provides a new shape for a natural look that matches and enhances your overall body contour. For optimum results, a breast reduction surgery can also be coupled with a breast lift to raise drooping or saggy breasts prior to the reduction in size.
What Is Recovery Like Following a Breast Reduction?
Before their procedure, it is important that patients designate a caregiver or helper to assist during recovery time. Caregivers should be able to drive patients home from the outpatient surgery center and provide assistance the first day after surgery. Patients can resume mild aerobic activity such as walking on a treadmill 2 to 3 days after surgery. Most patients return to the office or desk-type work within 2 weeks. More strenuous exercise can be resumed at 3 weeks. You should expect scarring prior to your surgery, but those will fade over time and can be concealed when wearing a bra or bathing suit.
Schedule Your Free Consultation

Interested in breast reduction? Your first step toward your surgery is to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Eades. By calling Dr. Eades’ office, interested patients near the Oro Valley, Green Valley, and Nogales areas can begin their surgical experience.
Certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery, Tucson surgeon, Dr. Eades will answer your questions with his experienced opinions. He can help you on your way to tighter, firmer, smaller, and more attractive breasts.